The Scents for Dogs

scent for dog

Have you ever wondered how your pets felt after inhaling your favorite scented candle that you lighted with them at your side?

It must be said that dog’s sense of smell is much stronger than human’s because a dog has 220 million olfactory senses, while there are only about 5 million in human’s. That’s why police bring in trained dogs and they can be used to help find illegal drugs. They can also detect changes in blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.

Because of their strong sense of smell, the scent can affect the dog’s behavior. That’s why a team of British researchers decided to study whether essential oils could reduce stress and improve behavior in dogs.

They conducted a study using 15 dogs of different breeds, genders, ages, and sizes to smell four scents: vanilla, coconut, valerian, and ginger. The research team placed cloth with the four scents in the center of each cage and observed it for two hours, and the results were positive. The result was concluded that the aroma of these 4 scents can make dogs not often bark and growl, including walking and movement with low anxiety symptoms. Some dogs that smell coconut or ginger scent are relaxed and fall asleep.

In short, the scents of vanilla, coconut, valerian, and ginger can help reduce stress in dogs.

Now, we’re going to take you to know the scents that can relax and relieve stress for your dogs.

According to National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), lavender oil contains Linalool, which has been investigated and proven to interact with neurotransmitters in a dog’s brain. The lavender scent helps make dogs calmer, reducing stress and fear. For this reason, many essential oils contain lavender as their main ingredient. Lavender can also kill fleas hidden in your dog’s fur by simply dropping a few drops of lavender essential oil on your dog’s neck, back, and stomach. But don’t use it too much, as some brands of essential oils are not organic and may cause a risk of burning the dog’s skin.

According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NIH), chamomile helps relieve symptoms of anxiety, reduces stress, and can treat insomnia. Moreover, it helps soothe inflamed or irritated skin. However, it is not recommended to use it in excessive amounts because it may harm your dog’s health.

Research by the Faculty of Pharmacy, Rangsit University, found that lemongrass has similar results to lavender that can calm dogs, reduce stress and fear, and eliminate bacteria and various infections, including diseases related to the dog’s skin. Simply drop some lemongrass essential oil on your dog and use your hands to rub the oil into the dog’s skin to keep your dog’s skin healthy

According to a study published in Applied Animal Behavior Science, the vanilla scent can help your dog become more relaxed, and relieve stress and anxiety. In addition, some dogs may fall asleep immediately.

According to a study published in Applied Animal Behavior Science, แoconut has the same results as vanilla which helps dogs relax and sleep easier. Moreover, it can reduce stress and anxiety in dogs.

According to Vicki Rae Thorne, the founder of Earth Heart® Inc., pelargonium oil helps repel ticks and fleas and reduces fungus (Microsporum canis) on dogs. It’s a scent that helps dogs feel fresh and clean and is not harmful to dogs. Simply mix geranium oil into your dog’s shampoo or add 2-3 drops of the oil to a handkerchief and tie it around your dog’s neck.


Next, we’re going to warn about the scents that are harmful to your dogs.

Although the scent of citrus fruits such as lime, grapefruit, and various oranges gives a refreshing feeling, these odors irritate the respiratory system in dogs. Dogs will feel annoyed and anxious when they smell this scent. So, if you are afraid that your dog will urinate on your doormat or bed, the scent of citrus will be a good help.

Vinegar is another scent used to prevent dogs from urinating inside the home because dogs hate the smell of vinegar as well as citrus fruits. However, apple cider vinegar benefits dogs because the scent can prevent your dog from smelling bad. Since it’s vinegar, we recommend mixing it with shampoo when bathing to reduce its smell and wash thoroughly.

Chili gets its spicy flavor from natural chemical compounds called capsaicinoids. Dogs dislike the smell of chili because it irritates their respiratory systems, itching the nose. This causes the dog to sneeze continuously. Therefore, dogs are not recommended to eat spicy food.

Fresh Herbs
Many dogs dislike fresh herbs like mint or rosemary because it has a very pungent smell which may irritate the respiratory system and itching. But some dogs have no problem with the smell of mint.

Chlorine and Cleaning products
Dogs hate the smell of chlorine and cleaning products because these products are harmful to dogs. Direct inhalation of these chemicals can irritate your dog’s respiratory system and esophagus. Additionally, the smell of ammonia can cause stress in dogs.


How does our content about the good and harmful scents for dogs go for you?
We hope that you’ll get useful information about the ways to relax your pets, the scents that can repel ticks and fleas, including the harmful scents for dogs. A pleasant scent not only delights us but also makes our pets satisfied.

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