




Sammakorn x Mn formula

จากประสบการณ์อันยาวนาน และความเชี่ยวชาญเรื่องกลิ่น และการเรียนรู้จากกลไกเรื่องกลิ่นที่ส่งผลต่อความรู้สึกต่าง ๆ ขึ้นมานี้เอง ทาง MN Formula by Thaniya เลยได้ทำการออกแบบกลิ่นเฉพาะของบ้านในโครงการของสัมมากรขึ้นมา ภายใต้ชื่อ Serene  กลิ่นที่จะทำให้ รู้สึกถึงความสบายใจ ความสงบ และการไม่กังวลใด ๆ เกิดขึ้นมา

ในConcept “Have A Good Sleep”  แรงบันดาลใจในการทำกลิ่นจากความรู้สึกและความทรงจำ ของความอบอุ่นของบ้าน ความอบอุ่นของครอบครัว ที่ทำให้ผ่อนคลายและสบายใจ เกิดความรู้สึกหลับสบายที่บ้าน

ในชื่อกลิ่น Serene กลิ่นที่ตอบโจทย์ กลิ่นที่ทำให้สบายใจภายใต้ความอบอุ่นภายในบ้านของสัมมากร


Tips for Enhancing the Scent in Your Condo Room

Experiencing the scent is another way to create a moment of happiness. The scent is [...]

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The Calm and Relaxing Scent of Vanilla

If talking about vanilla, the first thing that everyone thinks of is probably the scent. [...]

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What are notes of scents?

Have you ever heard the words “top note”, “middle note”, and “base note” when looking [...]

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Good Night and Sleep Well with the Scents

Have you known that unwell sleep or disturbed sleep can negatively affect health? These silent [...]

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Enhance the Rainy Season’s Charm with the Scents

After a long period of intense heat weather, it’s finally starting to rain, which will [...]

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Select Suitable Scents for Your Rooms

If there are many separate rooms inside the house, so why does the smell in [...]

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The Scents for Unisex

Perfume is also considered as clothing. Apart from clothes and makeup, another thing that helps [...]

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Refreshing Scents in the Summer

When it’s officially summer, we can’t escape the temperature of 40 degrees in Thailand. Even [...]

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Change Musty Smell in Your Home to a Fresh Scent with Scented Products

Hot weather like this makes us don’t want to go anywhere, right? But staying at [...]

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Eliminate the musty smell in your car with scented products

For anyone who has a car, a common problem that we often encounter is the [...]

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The Scents Matching Your MBTI

MBTI or Myers-Briggs Type Indicator has gone viral again. MBTI is a personality test that [...]

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Scents Sparking Your Energy to Work

Does anyone feel bored or have burnout syndrome, which causes a loss of concentration? Someone [...]

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Reminiscing Your Childhood Memory with the Scents

Speaking of childhood memory, when do we often think of those times? It must have [...]

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Just Smell to Meet with Happiness

“What happiness comes from?” “How to be happy?” These questions are common in the present. [...]

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The Scent of Hope

Have you ever wondered? What will the scent of hope be like? The article from [...]

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The Scents Telling of Christmas

On Christmas night, if you are longing for a warm atmosphere that brings back good [...]

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Popular Scents During Christmas

The cold wind is a sign of December arrival. The first thing that comes to [...]

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Scents in Restaurants Can Attract Consumers

In South Korea, Dunkin’ Donuts spraying coffee scent on buses resulted in a 16 percent [...]

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Design Scent for Your Condo Room

. Today we have ideas for decorating a condo room and a scented selection for [...]

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Scents of Elements that Reflect Your Personality

. Does anyone notice that we immediately like a certain scent that we smell for [...]

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