Bring back memories with the scent

scent of memory

When you wake up in the morning and walk out onto the balcony to feel the morning scent of the warm sunlight and cool breeze. After that, childhood memories of going to the market with Grandpa every morning came back clearly and made you feel warm again. Sometimes smelling a familiar scent makes you think of stories that happened in the past. Our stories are always mixed in the scent of memories. Now you may be asking how this happened. Does everyone have a scent that makes you think of the past? Today, let’s try to get to know the scents that are in our memories.

Besides the brain, scent is also a tool for preserving memories. Everyone might wonder why scent can be another reminder of our memories. The reason is that scent stimulates the most vivid memories of all the senses. The survey has shown that people can remember up to 35% of scents, while only 5% of things they’ve seen. This is because the sense of smell is closely connected to the part of the brain that preserves Long-term memories and responds to emotions. For this reason, the scent helps improve your mood. This is one of the reasons why when we smell it, it can stimulate a memory or remind us of something or someone.

People can remember more than 10,000 different scents. Including the scents that we are familiar with every day, such as the scent of perfume, shampoo, and bath soap that we use, or even a smell that floats by on the wind, like the smell of burning car smoke, the smell of mud on the riverbank, and the smell of fresh rain. Scent can also remind you of places as well, so it often reminds us of memories better than seeing or hearing them. 

Many people are familiar with someone’s specific scent. For example, Newborn babies who can’t see anything will use their mother’s scent to find warmth and comfort. When the child grows up, the smell is also a reminder of memories.

Dawn Goldworm, founder of the Smell Institute and Executive Director, said that scent can help stimulate fetal development and is a sense that helps children develop the most until they are about 10 years old. Childhood often creates memories of scents that we will love and hate for the rest of our lives.

We travel to various places to keep good memories, right? Each person has a different way of preserving memories. Most of them will be taking photos, recording videos, checking in at tourist attractions, and buying various souvenirs. But many people may forget that the scent can also be a memory retention tool. For example, the smell of chlorine can remind you of summer days spent in the pool, smelling the scent of the hot sun will remind you of walking by the sea, smelling the cool air from the trees and the humidity from the new rain reminds us of mountain air, or the smell of hot bread and coffee reminds us of the atmosphere of a cafe where we used to sip coffee with friends. 

Moreover, the scent also helps us to be happy. Sometimes we may smell the scent of a flower we like and it will remind us of good memories of our loved one. The familiar scent of mother’s perfume reminded you of childhood memories with her. The books’ scent in the library will remind you of peace and relaxation. Whatever memories you want to recall from the past, just smelling that scent again is like going back to that time again. For this reason, the scent can be considered one of the best reminders of a memory, just like a photograph.

It means that the scent can help with treatment. Many of you have probably heard of the word Aromatherapy or essential oils that are obtained by extracting only plants. It is widely used around the world, whether in the United States, China, India, or Thailand because it helps in treating or curing many symptoms, such as those related to skin diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, stimulation of memory, and reducing stress. It can also increase relaxation. The scent can help us in many ways. Both help with memory and treat our emotions. Therefore, giving memories to the people we love is a good gift that the scent can do.



If anyone still doesn’t know which scent to choose, whether for personal use or as a gift to someone special. You can consult with us. Let MN formula be your advisor regarding the scent. We are experts in scents.

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